The beginning of any journey lies within.

Providing deeper healing through skilled support
and your innate wisdom.

I experienced a profound and humbling somatic energy therapy session which brought to awareness so very much that had been percolating in my unseen. Thank you, Inger, your work is potent.

Get In Touch

2 + 1 =

Hello and welcome. I’m Inger and together we’ll turn what has become leaden in your life to gold. We’ll transform stubborn, old beliefs into fuel for your personal transfiguration as we make the unconscious conscious with a soft gaze and the warm light of acceptance. How this unfolds in you and within your life, work, and relationships will be uniquely individual and guided by the increased choice, clarity, and sense of agency that arises from being intimately present with oneself. 

How I came to do this work. I began my journey in the healing arts as an herbalist, writer, artist, and teacher. Having such life affirming experiences with the natural world and with plant medicine, I sought to help others find their own healing. It was humbling and inspiring to see the softening of nervousness that milky oats can bring, how hawthorn tends the heart, and Solomon’s seal and rose can help assuage grief. These herbs for the heart and nervous system are still present in the work I do today and may show up in our sessions to support you on your journey.

One day as I sat with a client we came face to face with their deep resistance. They came to appointments and left ready to implement lifestyle changes and use the herbs I suggested yet came back each time having been unable to take action between sessions. It was demoralizing and baffling for us both and, worse, I didn’t have strategies or resources to draw from to help them get past this block so the herbs could do their profound work. Since then I’ve learned new maps to help me understand where and why we tend to get stuck and continue to do my own inner work to be able to meet clients where they are—helping them move beyond protective patterns to experience greater flow and feeling in their own lives.

As a student of the plants, creativity, and inner wisdom I have created, practiced, and listened from the foothills of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania, and more recently the water’s edge of western Michigan.  

During a Depth Session I apply deep listening, somatic enquiry, and intentional practices to support you in weaving your life wholeheartedly.  

Want to know more about my background?

My early training was in the visual arts at a community newspaper in a neighboring town. This sense of community stayed a defining part of my journey as I began freelance work in the non-profit and professional association worlds.

Later, I studied in the Vitalist tradition of herbalism and traditional astrology, systems relating to communities of plants, planets, and people. I am curious about and fascinated by the divine languages of these interrelated communities. 

To better understand our human selves as communities of individual yet interrelated experiences, I’ve studied assessment tools such as herbalism’s tissue states and the humors, the Enneagram, and 5 Personality Patterns; techniques such as Holistic Counseling, Vis Dialogue, and Voice Dialogue; and modalities such as Reiki, trauma-informed breathwork, Authentic Movement, dreamwork, and Somatic Experiencing.

This training informs our work together though I often use common language rather than jargon, system-specific, or modality-specific language. This allows us a means of staying with the simple elegance and wisdom of the body and emotions rather than orienting around the stories of our experiences or watching as our lives become mere abstractions. Despite this simplicity, this work is profoundly rewarding.


Lineage + Influence

These are some of the people who have directly influenced my journey, the quality of my life, or the way I practice, in the order in which we met. This is not an exhaustive list, however, these people have left an indelible impression through their teachings, mentorship, and some with their friendship. 

Carole Kammen
Kat Maier
Kathy Eich
Paul Bergner
Lena Welker
Allison Manzanita
Luis Mojica
Jen Underwood
Tim DeSutter
Regina Schulman

These are some of the books that have changed the way I live and practice.

The poem Wild Geese, Mary Oliver
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
, Robert A. Johnson
Eternal Echoes: Celtic Reflections on Our Yearning to Belong, John O’Donohue
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism: Basic Doctrine, Energetics, and Classification, Matthew Wood
The Book of Herbal Wisdom: Using Plants and Medicines, Matthew Wood
Waking the Tiger
, Peter Levine
The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation, Deb Dana
Living Your Unlived Life: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Dreams in the Second Half of Life, Robert A. Johnson
Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness, Marion Woodman
Bone: Dying to Life, Marion Woodman