
Curious about working with me and wondering what’s possible? See what others are saying:


As a wellness practitioner, I think it’s SO important to take off your practitioner hat and allow other practitioners to hold you through your own process.

However, I choose who holds space for me very carefully. They must be deeply curious, present to their own bodies, masterful at asking questions, willing to be whatever the moment needs them to be, and keen to let me lead myself.

Inger is all of this and more.

She is one of the most present, nuanced and powerful people I know.

Last week I had my first ever Somatic Experiencing session with her. The therapy is unique in that the primary focus is on feeling and following the stories your body is telling you moment to moment in order to release trauma and deepen your connection to your body.

Due to Inger’s compassionate and curious presence, I felt relaxed and safe within the space, even when some raw and sensitive memories arose for me. I also found the practice of exploring my body’s subconscious movements to be intriguing and relieving in that I could soften my mind, slow my thoughts, and allow myself to receive insights instead of force them. I never felt rushed, and she never imposed any meaning-making onto me. It felt like we were co-creating my healing experience together as a well-oiled team.

I left the session with a sense of catharsis, relief and empowerment. I felt more connected to my needs and how I could communicate with my body to make sure they were met.

If you’re looking for a unique healing experience that invites you into a deeper relationship with your body, with a practitioner who holds the most beautiful, non-judgmental presence, I HIGHLY recommend working with Inger.

—Wellness Practitioner

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I would recommend working with Inger to anyone—especially to those of us who tend to live primarily in our heads.

My favorite phrase of hers is, “There are no wrong answers.” I was encouraged over and over again to take my time and feel into what was true in the moment. I always felt encouraged to stretch and/or acknowledge when I couldn’t really find the words, with no judgement at all.

That freed me to lose some of the internal judgement I’ve carried my whole life.

Through that gentle encouragement a question arose from deep within me that I now use multiple times a day to guide my continuing somatic exploration and self care.

—Artist and Seeker

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When I first received Inger’s embodiment work my body was activated, tight, and holding onto pain in a way I wasn’t ready or able to see yet; I had been in survival mode for good reason. Her presence, care, and gentleness with both my energy field and my body beckoned me into my own presence, care, and gentleness with/for my body. It helped return me to my most important and loving relationship: the one with my body. For me, there is no greater gift than the assistance in this homecoming. 

I experienced Inger’s ability to hold a clean and loving container for me as a mirror of her ability and willingness to relate to herself with such care and intention. The ways she listened to my body and energy, again, encouraged me to be in a similar relationship with my own body. It felt like a gentle and loving conversation. 

One of my favorite things about being in healing relationship with Inger is her questions. Always caring—even when they reveal a sharp truth—always winding inwards, always leading me back to myself. In this moment in time when we’re moving away from the guru (looking outward for someone to bestow saving or healing upon us) Inger’s work is at the heart of the new paradigm: holding a container with so much love that we can’t help but turn toward ourselves in likeness. What an immense gift. 

—Desire and Sexuality Coach

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I had the privilege of doing a series of breathwork sessions with Inger Brown and she rocked my world!! Inger is patient, gentle, inviting, and powerful. She creates and holds such an exquisitely safe and honoring space that supports vulnerable and profoundly healing work. I’ve done a lot of wholistic therapies over the years and I’ve met very few who have her skill, intuition, and capacity. I’ve been dealing with ptsd and trauma and her gentle guidance into the somatic process was perfect for me. She guided me through deep truths and emotional release to freedom, power, and joy. If you’re looking for someone to dive deep with Inger is an extraordinary healer.


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Inger has helped me so much as I’ve traversed some huge inner terrain that was calling me to become and step into in my life and business in a fuller way. I have the clarity of vision and purpose that was not apparent to me before. The courage to embrace all of me—shadows and all—and so it all feels deeply grounded and rooted and… GOOD. It is more than breathwork that we do together, there are always such profound intuitive hits that Inger gets that go straight to the heart of the matter, offered as questions that come from her curious nature. One of the things I love most was that I just feel so free to be myself and that I can go from a deep emotional release and crying to giggling at it all and everything simply flows. My life and business have completely transformed, I am so grateful to Inger and the sharing of her gifts! I highly recommend working with her. With deep gratitude, Xx

—EFT Practitioner


Working with Inger has proven to be one of the most important experiences I’ve committed to. Every session with her is so deeply grounding and supportive while still gently mirroring my patterns and parts back to me. Inger has the most calming presence I have ever experienced from another human; simply hearing her voice soothes my nervous system. She is real, she’s approachable, she’s wise beyond wise and I’m forever grateful for the support I’ve received from her.

I’m able to navigate the big waves of life with much more compassion and ease than I have in the past. I’ve been able to anchor in during some of the most painful and disruptive times of my adult life thanks to these sessions with Inger.

The space she holds and the guidance she offers will reunite you with the wisest and most expansive parts of yourself.


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Inger is one of the most brilliant somatic practitioners I have ever worked with! I highly recommend reaching out to her if you’re looking to integrate the various, fun, beautiful, tricky parts of yourself that may not always feel lovable or friendly.


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Thank you so much, Inger, for the epic Depth Sessions. When we first started working together, I was in a pretty fucking dark place in my spiritual journey, and I had no idea how badly I needed to have space held for me.

As a direct result of my work with you I let go of a deep fear I had around embodying greatness. I fucking danced. I transmuted my fear into divine protection. I fully committed to letting go of everything that stands between me and my true nature. It was such a pleasure to have such a healing experience in your loving space. Thank you for helping me step into my power.

—Soul Director

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Inger is so present and intentional in her responses and asks beautiful, soul-provoking questions. I’m left feeling incredibly alive and open-hearted!


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Through these breathwork sessions a lot of really profound memories stored deep in my body have surfaced in a way that has given me a new relationship to my body in a lot of ways. There’s been a lot of feeling of ancestral memory surfacing that I can’t necessarily identify with my mind but I can feel with my body. 

Today I was able to be present with some pretty intense pain from inflammation and it was just such an unbelievably cool experience to feel like I was meeting my body where it was at rather than try to escape it.

I feel like I won the lottery by getting to do this work with Inger. So much of the work I’m doing right now is the work of re-connecting, remembering and bringing me back into my body and learning my body as a safe place to be.

Inger is such a gift and I really recommend breathwork with her. I feel so grateful to have gotten to go on this journey of connecting with my body in a new way!


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Sitting with Inger, I feel a genuine presence that exudes warmth and gentleness. She is able to hold a space that is safe, open, honest, and nonjudgmental with a strength and a patience that in itself is an invitation to explore one’s depths layer by layer. She is both graceful and rooted, with a deep wisdom that comes when one is divinely connected to Mother Earth herself.

—Breathworker + Somatic Therapist

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What really, really, real-ly speaks to me in VOLUMES is the easy, grounded confidence rolling from Inger in long, deep, waves that bespeaks her vigilant surrender to her own power-to-know in a breath. With whatever presents I am ever-guided to return to myself, my practice, my power.


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I had the pleasure to breathe in a session led by Inger and it was an experience that left me feeling deeply soothed and calm.

I felt there was so much space that was made available in my inner world, and suddenly, stress wasn’t the main focus in my reality.

Inger created a safe space where I felt I was being held with so much care and compassion. I appreciated her pace and attunement to my needs.

I highly recommend Inger as a masterful facilitator, who provides safe and compassionate containers for healing and integration.

—Women’s Empowerment Coach

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I had the most amazing session with Inger. She is such a loving, intuitive, powerful healer and I felt so held and nurtured by the space she created. I highly recommend this session for clearing out energy blockages and getting to the core of conflicting feelings. I feel like I lost 15 lbs. since 🙂

Thank you for the priceless gift, Inger.

—Sexuality Coach

Inger was a phenomenal support coach for an intimate and deep group container I was leading. From a professional standpoint, it was such a gift to have a support coach that I could so deeply trust – who showed up with integrity and purpose, prepared and ready, who cared so deeply about the space that she held, who understood how I would want clients to be treated and went above and beyond all expectations. And from a personal standpoint, it was a gift to have her energy in the space, fully different than mine, adding so much to everyone’s experience, enriching the container and bringing it even deeper. She led beautiful drop ins, picked exquisite music, and showed up calm, centered, and ready to hold anything that came up for the students present. I would hire Inger again in a second to support any container I led, and would count myself lucky if she had any inclination and space in her schedule to do so. She is truly a master of holding delicious spaces.

Jennifer Underwood
Emotional Mastery Coach

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It’s taken me several days to process the first breathwork session I had with Inger. It was way beyond what I expected and with her gentle guidance and questions, I was able to heal a huge aching hole in my energetic system.

My intention for the session was the Brahmavihārās Cultivation ‘May I be happy.’ Except when I meditated on the simple mantra there was a question mark at the end of it. 

May I be happy?

It turns out I’ve been turning off my “happiness” faucet for a long time now. And through this work was able to see how and why, and even that I was doing it.

Inger is a master at what she does. I HIGHLY recommend her and look forward to many more sessions under her gentle guidance.

—Online Business Manager

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Thank you for our session yesterday. I am just amazed at how differently I felt afterwards. Whatever was working itself out through my head created a real sense of release, and I felt much lighter and more relaxed. I actually felt like I had had a craniosacral therapy session! It’s so wild that so much can happen in the format in which we were working. I slept great and feel really good! I appreciate your work!


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I feel soooo safe and nourished in our sessions!

—Alternative Health Practitioner

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I experienced a profound and humbling somatic energy therapy session with Inger which brought to awareness so very much that had been percolating in my unseen. My own inner work had arrived at a point where I needed the strong, wise presence of another to gently, masterfully guide me to this state of balance I find myself in (fleeting perhaps but revelatory, and with durable treasures).

Thank you, Inger, your work is potent.

—Inner Alchemy Practitioner

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I feel deep gratitude for a beautiful and deep session with Inger which started with a calming and grounding guided meditation that put me in a deep state of relaxation and connection with my body. What emerged from that was not like anything I could have anticipated.

Her work is deeply rooted in empathic and attentive listening and I felt guided to navigate my feelings through my body in a way I had never experienced before. I am grateful for the love she puts in her work and how she made me feel seen and loved. I am grateful for her holding space for me, creating an environment in which I felt safe, protected, and allowing me to walk towards my own healing.

Inger’s energy was very loving and gentle as she navigated my field. I was deeply moved by our session, and definitely recommend you checking out her beautiful and sensible work.

—Astrologer and Tarotist

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Your questions pose things to me that I would not normally think about, or might start to think about and then shove aside. Thanks for asking. 


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In my session, Inger was warm, safe, highly empathic, and WITH me. She continuously (at a soft, spacious pace) asked me questions, based on or led by my responses. Every direction was an invitation and her support was constant, even when my eyes were closed or I was silent for an extended time. I hesitate to give details of the profound experience I had, as each session is individually crafted in the moment, so I’ll encompass it by sharing that it helped me to clearly identify some suppressive energies that have been, quite literally, weighing on me for YEARS.

During our session, I was especially curious to notice a STRONG vibrating sensation and realized it was LIFE re-entering the places that had been CLENCHED, and BLOCKED and BALLED UP for years! I am left with a deeper understanding that regardless of the physical sensation, I can choose to label it as pain, or I can get really curious, ask it questions, and trust that I cannot become overwhelmed.

While Inger didn’t lead me to have any non-dual experience, she was fearlessly willing to stay/go there with me…and I’m so grateful.

If you are at a crossroads, or feel as though you are carrying a physical burden, and are ready…You might want to get in touch with Inger…

—Neuro Alchemist

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