Apothecary of the Rose

Creating deeper healing through skilled support
and your innate wisdom.

Cultivate Your Presence Through Embodied Awareness

It is not always easy to stay with strong sensations and be sensitively present to where they might lead. But when you do, the payoff promises a profound sense of homecoming and resiliency. You will navigate challenges from a place of choice and agency instead of from conditioning, stay grounded with more ease, and come back to center more quickly.

Transformational Work in a One-to-One Container

Depth Sessions are a series of 12 sessions at a pace that works for you and your process. We begin with somatic enquiry and deep listening to cultivate profound presence; relationship between mind, body, and spirit; and a sense of safety. Via Zoom, in-person sessions available by request.

Dream Tending

Here you are your own oracle.

In these sessions, you’ll find yourself seated in your own powerful knowing.

You’ll understand the messages contained in your dream and how best to implement the wisdom held within them. 

Wisdom Walks

Experience the deep settling and embodied enchantment available when you are intimately attuned to yourself and nature.

Join me for a walk in nature. This 1:1 offering is an opportunity to slow down, drop in, and remember your wisdom on any topic that’s alive for you.


The Intimacy of Attention

Orienting Through the Senses for Safety and Pleasure

Step into your fully embodied pleasure by cultivating safety in your body through your senses. In this 8-week journey we’ll slow down to explore the safety in felt sense and savor pleasure through appreciation.

The Intimacy of Attention Blog

An exploration of what time and space can reveal.

Birdsong and Headstones

Birdsong and Headstones

Yesterday, as I drove into the sun with tears streaming down my face I wondered why it hit so much harder this year. Memories of her face melting as she held my daughter for the first time bubbled up, breaking the surface tension of a momentary stoicism. A woman...

You are already an embodiment.

You are already an embodiment.

You are already an embodiment. We all are. We begin this life by becoming an embodiment of our spiritual essence and our innate and inherited constitutions. Over time we begin to embody affinities, sometimes born of love and sometimes born of trauma. These might seem...



As I was planning my first ever creative sabbatical I was also having significant upgrades made to the house. The 70-year old gravity furnace needed to be replaced along with the 20-year old water heater. I decided to have a simple plumbing job done instead of waiting...

Finding the Radiant Heart Within

Finding the Radiant Heart Within

In my house, Sundays are for creativity, heart, and self-remembering. Well, every day is for those things, and Sunday is an especially good day to write about them. This post is about the messy, glorious process of creativity rather than creative output. Before we...

Remembering Ourselves

Remembering Ourselves

What does it mean to remember ourselves? For some, this might seem like a strange question prompting a different one in response: How could one forget themselves? In my experience, self-forgetting is a safety strategy and just like any other safety strategy is formed...

Our Beautiful Monsters

Our Beautiful Monsters

One of the prevailing attitudes toward becoming a better version of ourselves that I see frequently involves attempting to cut parts of ourselves out, getting control of them, or silencing them in some way. We may know intellectually that shadow work is about...

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